
Buffalo River Shooting Club was established in August 1983.  At first it was a subsection of the Iscor Club, but it has since become an independent organisation, and today fulfils a vital role in the Newcastle community.  The Club provides a safe place for its members and the community in general to legally participate in many of the challenging shooting sports disciplines, to prepare for the annual hunting season, to receive firearms training, or to simply indulge in shooting for fun.  The SA Police Service also regularly uses the Club’s range for various firearms related training activities, and the range is accredited with the SAPS for this purpose.

The Firearms Control Act requires that firearms training institutions and shooting ranges be registered with and accredited by the SA Buro of Standards (now NRCS).  The range of the Buffalo River Shooting Club was the first outdoor shooting range in KwaZulu-Natal to comply with this requirement.  The Club has now also received accreditation with the SA Police Service for private use as required by the FCA.

In The Beginning